Saturday, January 19, 2008

New England Patriots or Playing With My Cleaning Products...How to Choose?

Really, I had planned on making Sunday the super-dee-duper day of housecleaning because it's gotten rather 'untidy' as the Brits say.

But, alas, the Pats are on tomorrow and I don't know how to choose between the vast supply of fabulous smelling and super-scrubbing cleaning products I purchased at Dollar Tree or Tom Brady freezing his cajones off in Foxboro while he and the Pats kick San Diego's arse.

Decisions, Decisions...

So, I'll be wearing my New England Patriots hooded sweatshirt all day tomorrow, which is good because the high in Charleston is expected to be in the mid-40's. I've become such a wimp these last few months when it comes to cold. I used to wait for the "T" in 20 degree weather without a coat and now I'm just such a wuss.

Kickoff is at 3 p.m. will I get my cleaning done before then? We shall see!!!

Oh, and yeah... politically today was an interesting day but I don't want to play that game right now.


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